Episode 2: Pilot

I'm Alex and this is my podcast, Abject Demiurge: A Podcast for Creators in which we discuss failures and rejections within the artistic community in the hopes of destigmatizing the conversation.

In this second pilot, I discuss the purpose behind the show and the concept going forward. The purpose of this podcast is to allow space for discussion on failures and rejections within the artistic community in the hopes of destigmatizing the conversation. We'll consider this second attempt a success so far... unless I find out otherwise.

You can find me in most places here: https://bio.site/alexxtholden

You can find Abject Demiurge: A Podcast for Creatives every Monday morning in video form on YouTube, Facebook, Twitch, and Twitter and in audio wherever you get your podcasts.

Whatever it is that you do, keep at it. #adpod #workinprogress #ath #artists #creatives

Alexx T. Holden

Speculative fiction author. Podcaster. Ally. Spreading the Woke Mind Virus. AoE Anxiety +15 DoT. Ya’ll means all.


Episode 3: Alexx (Writer)


Episode 1: Failed Pilot