Episode 7: Alexx (Tangent #1)

STARTLE WARNING: The intro, transition, and outro audio is obnoxiously louder than my voice. #workinprogress

In episode 7 (not 5, wtf), I mark the first Tangent episode, in which I failed to book a guest as I’ve not yet mastered this new time management business. In it, I discuss potential format changes, lessons learned from the previous episodes, and what can be expected going forward.

Since I don't have a guest this week, I'm leaving my Linktree QRCode up for the duration, but I have added a link for my #ExtraLife4Kids donation page.



You can watch Abject Demiurge: A Podcast for Creatives every Monday morning in video form on YouTube, Facebook, Twitch, and Twitter. And listen to the audio wherever you get your podcasts.

Whatever it is that you do, keep at it. #adpod #workinprogress #ath #artists #creatives

Alexx T. Holden

Speculative fiction author. Podcaster. Ally. Spreading the Woke Mind Virus. AoE Anxiety +15 DoT. Ya’ll means all.


Episode 8: Nicole (Writer)


Episode 6: Michael (Coffee Roaster/Singer-Songwriter/Craft Rum & Botanical Distiller)