Stuff & Things

Irregular posts about various shit I find cool. Books, music, games, and whatever else. Not so much reviews, as me geeking out. Messy, random, and weird.

Sunday Night Craziness! July, 30th: Queens, Mothers, and a Spaghetti Death [Spoilers]
Shows Alexx T. Holden Shows Alexx T. Holden

Sunday Night Craziness! July, 30th: Queens, Mothers, and a Spaghetti Death [Spoilers]

I know a lot of people, old fans and newcomers alike, are feeling a bit frustrated with this show at times. I think part the misunderstanding lies in the belief that The Return was about us, as viewers, returning to Twin Peaks. I believe that, in reality, The Return refers to Cooper. This is about his return to the world. Twenty-five years trapped in the Black Lodge was not going to end by walking through a door.

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War for the Planet of the Apes (Spoiler Free)
Movies Alexx T. Holden Movies Alexx T. Holden

War for the Planet of the Apes (Spoiler Free)

It's a bleak world, with some hard truths about where we've been and where we're going but it never becomes didactic and is not without hope. There are a lot of historical parallels drawn throughout, as well as current ones, and a few very endearing moments of levity that speak to the humorist that, hopefully, resides in all of us. It asks a lot of questions that it expects us to take on our way out because the answers aren't in the narrative. They're not for Caesar or The Colonel but for us.

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