Overkill | Scorched

As this is still early in my Substack blog posting days, having come from previously maintaining my own domain on a Squarespace site, I’ll say to start off that I listen to and post about all kinds of different music; most kinds. I’m a Texan that hates country, you can do with that what you will. At the end of every year, I do a “Best Albums of the Year” post with my top 25 favorites. Moving on…

If you find yourself struggling to get through Metallica’s third Midlife Crisis album that came out today, Overkill also released a new album and it’s pretty great classic thrash. Simple, straightforward, and a lot of fun.

Alexx T. Holden

Speculative fiction author. Podcaster. Ally. Spreading the Woke Mind Virus. AoE Anxiety +15 DoT. Ya’ll means all.


Cormac McCarthy | 1933-2023

